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What In Bob's Name Are Buffalo Bobs?


If you're like us, you like a little French fries with your ketchup. A little dressing with your salad. A little steak sauce with your New York Strip. If you’re like us, you’re drowning in sauce.

If this is you, then you’re going to love Buffalo Bobs

Buffalo Bobs is the EVERYTHING SAUCE.

You haven’t met Bobs? It’s all about the flavor. The awesome sauce.  Bobs is the go-to guy you’ll invite to every gathering, every party, every family supper. He fits in everywhere because he’s always in good taste. 

Beware, though: Bob’s is not the tidiest guest. You’ll want to have plenty of napkins handy because he tends to drip all over everything with his EVERYTHING SAUCE. And we do mean EVERYTHING. 

But don’t take our word for it. Let’s explore how Bob can rescue your boring dinner, and take it from humdrum to humyum. 


Yes, we know you’ve been cooking since spicy wings became the Queen City’s late-night snack du jour in 1964. And why not? Wings are the ultimate party food. The ultimate appetizer.

For BBQ, you’ll find Bobs just about EVERYWHERE. Lurking in the chicken wings. The chicken legs. Chicken breast. But let’s not stop there. He’s the perfect take-along. Take him to the park, the beach, on your hike to the mountains for that open-flame taste extravaganza. After you’ve picked the berries along the way and marveled at the deer, you can hang out in your hammock, commune with nature, and dream about Bob. 


Oops, you forgot the wings? No worries, you’re in a no-shame zone with Buffalo. You might find him a bit hot at first, but one bite of Bobs and behold! Your new flame!

He’s passionate about beef. In fact, he demands to be “herd.” Listen up, every burger, ribeye, flank steak. Did we mention kabobs? This is what grills are for. With Bobs lip-smacking 3-alarm taste, you'll be tempted to lick it straight off the grill. Fried tongue, anyone? How do you like your steak, well-done? Maybe so, but you’ll get rare results.

Stand back, throw the garlic on the steak, the corn in the butter, and let the good times broil.


Something’s fishy, but it’s the good kind. Saute. Pan fry. Broil. Poach. Calling all freshwater, saltwater, ponds, lakes, reservoirs, rivers, and streams. We’re coming for ya. You bring a line and we’ll bring the pole, we’re truckin’ on down to the fishing hole - and bringing Bob with us. The fish are biting. And so is Bobs.

Bobs is a fishing enthusiast, just itching to slather himself all over your big catch. 

Cod, bluefish, tilapia, flounder, red snapper. A fisherperson’s holy grail. Believe it or not, some seasoned chefs are leery of cooking fish, but according to an article in the New York Times, almost any fish can be pan-roasted in a small amount of oil, butter, and fresh herbs. Buffalo Bobs makes cooking fish a no-brainer. Try this: 

  • Add a small amount of oil to a pan and turn up the heat

  • Sear to a golden brown

  • Brush on some Buffalo Bobs


Not a fish kind of cook? Pork is another option. Brisket, ribs, chops - you name it, we’ll bring it every time. Roasting, broiling, braising, and even in Kentucky Burgoo. You can’t beat pork. Did we mention that you can even add Bobs to your next pot of baked beans? If you’re heading to a picnic, don’t go empty-handed. Trust us, you’ll be eating high on the hog.


If you like chips, then chances are you like dips - and so do we. It’s not just for parties; this is your ticket to instant popularity. But listen. You are not allowed to mix it into the dip and then tell everyone at the neighborhood block party that it’s just a little something you whipped up. That it’s your secret recipe. That you came up with it all by yourself. That’s no way to treat Uncle Bobs.

So. If you are ready to share, try this for your next social gathering, church potluck, or block party.

Step 1. Mix Buffalo Bobs into your dip (we’re sorry, but you’ll have to taste as you go. Don’t you just hate it when that happens? Just make sure you’ve got extra ingredients because you don’t want to taste-test your way to the bottom of the bowl. Well, you do, but you might have to be surgically removed from your couch). 

Step 2. There is no step 2.

See? That’s the recipe. Easy-peasy. You can add other chip-worthy extras, but you don't have to.

There are chips. There are dips. And frankly, Bobs, you are a real dip. Might we say, let the chips fall where they may? 

One more thing about our friend Buffalo, he’s a great Bobs, but truthfully, he’s a little bottled up. He’s itching to do his part and he’s counting on you to let him out on an unsuspecting supper. But beware, he’ll make your tongue slap your cheeks. 

Here's what you can expect with Bobs:

  • Flavor-enhanced food

  • Quality ingredients 

  • Endless uses

Here's what you cannot expect:

  • Waste

  • Leftovers

Not that we’re bragging, but we’re bragging. And why not? You might not want it on ice cream, because just like us, you'll probably drink it. Or bathe in it. It’s everywhere you want flavor to be. 

Excuse us if we are a little nuts, but we’re bonkers for Bobs and you will be, too. Give us a call today and getcha some. So where do you find Buffalo Bobs? That’s easy - you’ll find us at the house with the porterhouse. We’ll “steak” our reputation on it.

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