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When Your Nuts Aren't Enough, How About a Monthly Nut Delivery?

Hey, you! Are you unsatisfied with your nuts? Are you tired of how your nuts look and taste? Do you feel that you could use more nuts than you have right now? Don't worry. You're not alone. Lots of people are unsatisfied with their nuts these days. They're craving bigger nuts, better nuts, and nuts that show up again and again. It's normal to want a better variety of nuts. That's because you've been stuck with the same boring nuts for who knows how long. You owe it to yourself and your nuts to get that spark going again, and we have just the solution for your nut rut: a monthly nut delivery service. With monthly nuts, you get all the deliciousness you crave, and you can keep the nut party going for as long as your nutty heart desires. 

What's a Monthly Nut Delivery? 

What's a monthly nut delivery? We're glad you asked! It's when you get your nuts delivered right to your door. And since you're a genius, you've probably already guessed that this delivery shows up once a month. You can order it for yourself or for a loved one, but either way, monthly nuts make great snacks. 

One monthly nut delivery option is the Nut of the Month Club from Try My Nuts. You simply select whether you want three months, six months, nine months, or a whole year's worth of nut deliveries. We'll take care of the rest. All that's left is for you to wait for those sweet, sweet nuts to show up at your door. Or, you know, those salty nuts. There's a good chance you'll get some of those, too. 

Something to Look Forward To 

Hey, did you know that nuts are good for your health? The health benefits vary, depending on which nut you crack open, but nuts are generally full of good fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. 

Since nuts are already good for your physical health, why not add a little dopamine boost into the mix? When your nuts come to your door every month, your brain says, "Hey! I get to open this thing! I like opening things!" It all goes back to when we were hunters and gatherers. That urge to tear open a box comes from our ancestors' urge to crack open, well, a nut. 

Of course, thanks to monthly nut delivery options, opening up a nut is going to be a whole lot easier for you than it was for Great-Great-Great-Great-(etc.) Grandpa Oog. If only he could see you now. Look at you. Eating all the nuts you want, and you didn't even have to sharpen a rock first. What a time to be alive. 

Where were we? Right. Getting a new thing in the mail, and then opening that new thing, sends happy signals to your brain. It's even better if you get to look forward to opening that box, which is exactly what you'll do if you can expect a box to arrive once a month. 

Get Adventurous With Your Nuts 

When was the last time you tried something new? Was it when you moved your laptop from the living room to the kitchen? People crave novelty, and we haven't exactly gotten a lot of that recently. Well, not the good kind, anyway. We mean the kind of novelty that doesn't end up in history books and come with words like "unprecedented." 

Things like rollercoasters, learning new things, and starting new TV shows are all great. Trying new foods can fall into this category, but it's easy to fall into a rut. Well, our nuts can get you out of the rut, especially if you have those nuts delivered. Why not try some new flavors with your monthly nut delivery service? You might find some new favorites. Go nuts!

Who Deserves a Monthly Nut Delivery? 

We all deserve a monthly nut delivery this year. You certainly do. It's time to treat yourself, and if you're not sure how to do that (you're just so hard to shop for), then there's nothing wrong with buying your own nuts. 

And if you're looking for unique gifts, there are lots of people on your list who could use a monthly nut delivery, too. Take your child's teacher, for example, who definitely deserves a gift after your kid brought a half-eaten toaster waffle to Zoom show and tell again. 

Valentine's Day is also coming up, and if you're not about gift baskets, the Nut of the Month Club has you covered. Besides, people get tired of flowers and chocolates after a certain point. Some mixed nuts can definitely help you mix things up. 

The Gift That Delivers Again and Again 

The best part about a monthly nut delivery is that it arrives over and over again, and there's really no better nut than a regularly scheduled nut. With most gifts, you give them once, and then everyone moves on. Where's the fun in that? Instead, let your monthly nut delivery surprise them over and over again. What kind of nut will it be this time? Whatever it is, it's sure to bring a smile to their face. 

Try My Nuts 

Hey, you want to Try My Nuts? Then try our monthly nut delivery service. When you enroll in the Nut of the Month Club, you can get nuts delivered to your door once a month for up to twelve months. Whether you're buying nuts for yourself or for someone you love, there's no better nut gift than the nut gift that keeps coming. Take a look at our monthly nut delivery options, and contact us if you have any questions. When it's time to find unique gifts, there's nothing quite like monthly nuts. 

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