We're almost 11 months into a very long year, and now your coworkers are tiny squares on your computer screen. And if nobody's turning on their cameras, your coworkers aren't even tiny squares with faces. We're not saying that there aren't perks to working from home. You can't very well walk into your regular office without pants, after all. But working from home does come with a few questions, like "Do I still need to get corporate gifts this year?" and "Have my children always been this loud?"
The answers are, "If you want to," and "yes," respectively. We can't help you with that second thing, but let's talk office gifts. There are a lot of great reasons to give them in 2020, and you have lots of options. Let's take a look at both.
Reasons for Corporate Gifts
This year, you've heard the word "unprecedented" a lot, which is a word that means "nobody knows what they're doing." And that can leave you with some questions when it comes to corporate gifts, like "Why should I give them this year?"
We can think of a few reasons. For one thing, these gifts can help you connect to your coworkers beyond the Zoom screen. If you work from home, you have a constant layer of technology between yourself and your coworkers. Gifts can help you reconnect with your boss and coworkers by putting something personal and tangible into their hands.
Next, gift-giving can help you acknowledge the effort that everyone's making to get through this year. It's a great way to say, "Hey, I see you. I mean, I don't really see you, but way to balance all of the nonsense. Here, have some nuts and an adorable plush animal."
And finally, who doesn't love gifts? At this point, we'll all take anything that will make the year a little bit brighter, and sometimes, the thing that makes the year brighter is called a Smell My Nuts Candle. It's the little things.
It's 2020. Buy Corporate Gifts for Yourself
Now, here's something else to consider: Why not get a dang gift basket for yourself? You deserve it, and really, who knows what you like better than you? This year is weird. At this point, nobody's going to judge you for saying, "Here, self. Have a snack tin. You've been working hard this year. Good job." If it's just you and the dog, you might as well.
If nothing else, there's a pretty good chance that you're not the only one doing that. You may be your least favorite coworker, but that doesn't mean you don't need a gift.
Corporate Gift Ideas for 2020
So you've decided to buy a couple of corporate gifts. Now you need some ideas. Don't worry, we've got lots.
First of all, there's the gift that keeps giving: Nut of the Month Club subscriptions. You choose the nuts that you want to send, and we'll handle all of the logistics. You can get your coworker a subscription for three months, six months, nine months, or twelve months. They'll think of you every time they eat their nuts.
Then, of course, there's the classic route of gift tins, baskets, and boxes. You really can't go wrong with a gift basket full of snacks. It doesn't have to just be nuts, either, although we do love our nuts. We also recommend a gift tin of White Trash or even Dirty White Trash, if your coworker is into that sort of thing.
How to Deliver Corporate Gifts Safely
Once you've chosen your corporate gifts, all that's left is delivering them safely. You've got a few options here. The obvious one is to get addresses from your recipients and have us ship your nut baskets directly. We stay up-to-date with CDC protocols, and we're doing everything we can to keep our employees safe and our facilities clean.
If you're not partial to that option, you can always leave the nuts in a neutral zone like you're dropping off a ransom. Wear your mask, leave the gift, back away at least six feet, and then let the recipient come forward to grab their nuts. And then you can nod solemnly to each other like you didn't just hand off something called "Dee’s Nuts."
We're also partial to the "strap the gift to a remote-controlled car and drive it to your coworker" method. We haven't tried it yet, but it seems like fun. Try it and let us know what happens. We're curious.
Want to Try My Nuts?
Why get your corporate gifts from Try My Nuts? Aside from the fact that we're delightful, we can think of a lot of reasons. First of all, we've been in the nut business since 1999. Tube tops were all the rage. "I Want It That Way" by the Backstreet Boys was a Top 40 hit. And we were selling nuts. We know what makes a good nut, so you can trust us for all of your nut-based gifts.
We've devoted ourselves to high-quality nuts. Whether you're giving away spicy nuts, sweet nuts, or the ever-popular salty nuts, you can rest assured that you're getting the best nuts. As far as we're concerned, a good nut isn't a good enough nut. We only sell great nuts. Well, that and a variety of other things like candies, snacks, and apparel. (Did you know that you can get a Try My Nuts face mask now?) The point is that we're committed to premium quality because we know that our customers - and their gift recipients - deserve only the best. Especially this year.
Corporate Gifts With a Sense of Humor
If you want corporate gifts for your coworkers or yourself, why not choose gifts with a sense of humor? That's where we come in here at Try My Nuts. Take a look at your product options today to find the snacks that work best for you. We have high-quality gifts that will make just about any coworker happy.