Where do you put those gifts you don’t want? Come on, admit it - you’ve got a regifting closet or shelf stuffed with vases, shower and bath sets, loofahs, spoon holders, and scarves and hats you don’t like. And just like anything else that misbehaves, gifts do too - that’s why we put them in time out until we can figure out what to do with them. Consider the ugly sweaters you’ll wear - over your dead body. We all have well-intentioned loved ones and office workers who wouldn’t leave us out for the world come holiday time. The problem is, how well do they know us? How could they possibly pick out something special? And for that matter, how can we pick out something for someone we hardly know? We can’t - that’s the problem... which brings us to the solution. Let’s face it: not everyone shares our tastes and vice versa. What to do? Send food! Comfort food! Snacks. Ah, but what kind of snacks? We’re talking Try My Nuts, of course. We take the fear out of gift-giving every singl...
If you've ever dined in New Orleans, you are no stranger to heat, weather-related or food-related. There's no doubt about it: New Orleans loves its fiery spices. But guess what? You don't have to live in The Big Easy to enjoy the spicier things in life. All you need to do is Try My Nuts ! From chili to homemade Creole, hot sauce is everywhere these days. Even though entrepreneurs grow peppers, bottle their creations, and sell at craft fairs, the good news is that you don't have to. With a click, you can set yourself on fire with Try My Nuts sauces, guaranteed to send you running, hollering for mercy into the wind or the ice water, whichever comes first. Try My Nuts has a variety of lip-smacking sauces suited to every taste, perfect for your table or anyone who needs a jolt. Believe it or not, some folks don't know what to do with hot sauces other than to add them to traditional fare. But now that we've got our screaming mouths open, allow us to introduce you to...